New Work, Page Two/2012

I created much of the steel work you see on this page for an exhibition of some

of my recent work at Harrison House in Joshua Tree, California. The work

will remain at this location for the following year. All work is for sale.

Contact Eva Soltes at Harrison House in Joshua Tree, California.

Thank you. Mark Bulwinkle/2012

"Barking Along"

"Bussing Along"

"Flying Along"

"Beauty Flower"

"Catting Around"

"Fishing Around"

"Happy Flight"

"Area 52"

"Frequent Flyers"

"Her New Car"

"The Happy Home"

"The Last Boat Ride"

"Joshua Tree Cowboy"

"Moon Crash"

"Desert Baby"

"Woofin' It"

"Here Comes The Sun"

"A Hard Ridin' Fool"

"Down They Go"

"The Relatives"


"Desert Varmint 1"

"Desert Varmint 2"

"Desert Varmint 3"

"Desert Varmint 4"

"Desert Varmint 5"

"Desert Varmint 6"

"Desert Varmint 7"

"Desert Varmint 8"

"Desert Varmint 9"

"Desert Varmint 10"

"Desert Varmint 11"

"Desert Varmint 12"

"Desert Varmint 13"


"Amerika," created especially for the 2012 Calition for the Homeless Art Auction in San Francisco, California.

- A fine public art proposal for The City of You-Name-It, U.S.A. -

Hand burned steel mounted on oak, After Francisco De Goya's "The Shootings of May Third, 1808." 2012



The Pooch, or "Lover Dog." Torch cut sheet steel door about seven feet tall.


"The Aminals" Hand cut steel door, 2018

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