NEW BULWINKLELAND POSTCARDS These are postcards I recently printed using an old hand operated commercial proof press given to me many years ago by Frances Butler. The cards are printed on pieces of 4.25" x 6.25" heavy rag paper. With a home made brayer I rolled black ink onto each image cut into blocks of douglass fir which I harvested from my firewood pile and cut to size with a carpenter's saw. Then I placed a dampened piece of rag paper on the block and rolled the press drum over it and "rrruhmp," like that, each card was born, again and again and again... like that. In a small way, it can be fun.
All contents copyright Mark Bulwinkle, first publication,2009 You may purchase a complete set (16) of these hand printed cards for $75.00 by contacting me at Bulwinkleland Or purchase through the PayPal button below Sorry, but cards are not for sale individually ![]() |
Fighter Fish | Gato |
Ice Cream Eater |
Her |
Him |
The Wormy |
Birdy |
Wooof |
Romper boy |
Vruuoom |
Protector Coon |
Mr. Cactus |
Grrrrrrr |
Hombre |
Mad Cat |
Home Boat |
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